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  • BOOSTS LIVER HEALTH: As a liver support and liver aid, milk thistle is a powerful liver cleanser. It helps rebuild liver cells while removing toxins from the body that are processed through the liver. As a “blood purifier,” the liver needs to actively clean the blood each and every day in order to support nearly every system within our body.
  • ANTI AGING EFFECT: Milk thistle’s antioxidants help prevent free radical damage throughout the body and remove pollutants and waste from the blood and digestive tract, the powder may actually help slow the ag-ing process. This applies to both the surface of your skin and your organs, as antioxidants can protect your body from chronic disease.
  • ANTIOXIDANT: Milk Thistle present in the detox powder for the body has a profound antioxidant effect. As a health supplement, this powder is known to promote cleansing of the accumulated toxins from the liver.
  • HELPS LOWER HIGH CHOLESTEROL: Milk thistle benefits heart health and helps lower high cholesterol levels by reducing inflammation, cleaning the blood and preventing oxidative stress damage within the arteries.
  • HOW TO USE: Consume once per day. You can steep them to make tea; Sprinkle ½ teaspoon in your food or take it with honey.; Keep the powder in the freezer to make them last longer and retain their powerful nutrients.

Simply Earth Pure & Natural Milk Thistle Powder for Boosting Liver Health-100GM

SKU: Milk100

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